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The Scrutiny wing is entrusted to scrutinize the feedback from the public on the performance of the government. Press summaries are prepared daily through scanning press cuttings and are sent online to offices of all Ministers; giving feedback to government by scrutinizing the web-radio-television news programmes; digitizing newspapers and other documents for further scrutiny; archives special issues for reference; produces feedback report to government on conducting public surveys on government policies and schemes; availing press cuttings to VVIPs during their official visits and the departments concerned; feedback from district level compiled monthly basis and are forwarded to the director, Chief Minister, other Ministers; availing reference documents for departments and various commissions appointed by the government; publication of Economic News Digest; monitoring of grievance redressal facilities regarding cable TV Network Act. In general, the section has the responsibility of gathering responses from the public on policy matters and to report it to the ministers concerned.

